According to Wikipedia, Onli is a rare Artist who has created two visual art genres.

According to Wikipedia, Onli is a rare Artist who has created two visual art genres.
All artwork on this blog is Copyright 2024 Turtel Onli , and other dates. All Rights Protected & not to be remixed, rebooted or used commercially without a signed agreement with Prof. Onli. The smaller images on the right are links to reels or related websites.

Friday, July 5, 2024


ONLI STUDIOS LLC is the unique supplier of limited edition 

highly valued Rhythmistic Visual Art to the astute and well resourced.

   Prof. Turtel Onl has effectively pioneered Rhythmism as a Future-Primitif approach to the Visual Arts that establishes diversity without the orthodox triggers of suffering or oppression that usually led to mixed results or distracting conflicts.

Ownership is the highest form of appreciation.


·       Prof. Onli has earned a BFA in Art Education along with a M.A.A.T. in Art Therapy from the prestigious School of the Art Institute of Chicago with additional studies at the University of Chicago, The Centre Pompidou and The l’Ecole Nationale Superieure des Beaux-Arts.


·       Onli’s Rhythmistic Visual Art has been exhibited at the Museum of Contemporary Art, Chicago, The Museum of Science & Industry, Chicago, The New Museum of Contemporary Art, New York, Art Expo, New York, The Limelight Clubs, The FIAP, The Hyde Park Art Center, Chicago, The DuSable Museum of Black History, Chicago, The Box Factory For The Arts, Saint Joseph and a host of other important venues.

·       Onli’s Rhythmistic illustrations have appeared in publications such as The Paris Metro, Holt, Rinehart & Winstons’ textbook covers, Chicago Magazine, Oui Magazine, Ebony Jr. and the Singer Society For Visual Education along with album covers for George Clinton, Captain Sky, Curtis Blow. Followed by an infamous cover designed for the Rolling Stones that did not pass censorship restrictions.


Rolling Stones' member looking over the finished album cover by Onli before it was censored.

The album-cover for George Clinton , the result of an all-night art-jam with Onli and Pedro Bell.

Onli was the attention getting regular illustrator for 
PLAYBOY Magazine's ultra-cool OUI MAGAZINE!

Onli was a regular illustrator for Holt, Rinehart & WInstons' college textbook division.

·       Onli’s Rhythmistic works are included in anthologies and publications such as The New York Times, The International Herald, "Freedom Rhythm & Sound", “Picturing the Modern Amazon”, “It’s Life As I Know It”, “Comics Super Heroes”, “Black Comix”, “Black Comix Returns”, PTA Magazine, The Chicago Sun Times, The Chicago Tribune, The Paris Metro, MODE Avant Garde, and others notable media outlets such as WGN and the E-Channel.

This early Rhythmistic album cover opens the gallery section to this landmark coffee table book.

Onli's Rhythmistic Cool Globe was featured int he New York Times as the collection of globes toured the world to attract attention to solutions to climate change.

Onli brought his dynamic Rhythmistic awesomeness to trendy publications in Paris.

 Prof. Onli has taught or been an Artist-In-Residence at Ox Bow / School of the Art Institute of Chicago, The University of Illinois, Chicago, Columbia College, Harold Washington College and the Chicago Public Schools.

Onli is that rare visual artist who has hypothesized, and methodically grew a Visual Arts genre in the ism he calls Rhythmism. Extracted from his innate Black American late 1960s experience and melded with his Hippie Counter-Culture infused universally more mainstream experiences, impact and studies.

·       Proven in critical circles. Included in important collections. 

Underperforming with immense growth potential.


·       The entrepreneurial aspect of Onli’s practices has grown in experience and capacity to now offer your institution ownership and access to these distinct bodies of his ongoing Rhythmistic Visual Art.

Per the Gift Shop of the Musuem of Contemporary Art, Chicago.
 "NOG" Onli's first Rhythmistic character on a best selling Tote-Bag.

Open Studios pix:


It is noted that Warhol did not coin the term “Pop Art”, nor did Picasso innovate the genre of “Cubism”.  Yet, here is Onli, into a 50 year long practice of Rhythmism in Fine Art, Illustrations, Wearable Art, Public Art, Education, Art Therapy and indie Graphic Novels. Dali was not the founder of “Surrealism” and Basquiat did not declare “Street Art” as a vogue. Onli, however, begat Rhythmism as a Future-Primitif approach to the visual arts.

Wikipedia has a page dedicated to Onli’s practices and legacy.

·       Paying the Artist directly offers you better value and insights as you are dealing with the unfiltered resources and inventory offered by the Artist. Not the filtered edited and often overvalued offerings of the gallery or art dealer’s mechanisms.


·       The successful pioneering of a visual arts genre is not the stuff of trendiness or fads.

Curator Dan Nadel visited Onli's Rhythmistic Residency.

·       Your mission statement and resources are perfect for ONLI STUDIOS limited edition Rhythmistic offerings that will expand your important permanent collections and dynamic programming options.

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