" Prof. Onli seated on his "Rhythmistic Bench" at the Chicago Children's Museum, ) Gallerists! Art enthusiasts! Curator's to collect, exhibit and appreciate Rhythmistic Fine Art are welcomed. "The term I launched is Rhythmistic Art as the universal Future-Primitif genre for me to grow and practice, Narrative, figurative & beyond is my practices' core. Creating visual art transcending trends in a series. Please share this blog."
Saturday, May 28, 2022
Friday, May 20, 2022
Then as now, their thesis of "Black Art" was a nexus of poor to limited technique and skill. With the subject manner derived from traumatic episodes of Black and African suffering from slavery or colonialization. Plus, images of selected Black or African historical figures or personalities. They valued a lack of skill as being more authentic.
Thus, really more "Black"! That having competitive skills and technique fit for an Oba or a Pharoah was actually being caught up in a "White Art Thing". And taking on the challenges of commercial competition,,,,,well that was totally demised as "selling out"!
That was so not Onli. He was looking at every option to display aspects of Rhythmism as a Future-Primitif genre to expand the constricting canon of the international visual art world, Fine and Commercial. This was a simple iconic moment. The NCA or National Conference of Artist was the oldest organization for the celebration and promotion of Black and African Visual Artists.
But beyond the novelty of being a Black person making art about the narratives of the Black experience, it was pretty stale to me. Onli was bringing the heat. The fiya, flow and funk plus a cascading skill set that included illustrating for some of the largest publishing & broadcasting companies of that era.
Onli was seriously taking the artistic fight to the belly of the beasts,,,,known as systemic racism, heterophobia, classism, and agism. Onli still does!
Tuesday, May 17, 2022
5 Great Reasons to read Rhythmistic Graphic Novels:
a. A Graphic Novel is a book made up of story-telling content that is both visual, and illustrated with a merging of written text and narrative art.
b. Rhythmism is a genre in the expressive arts that first proved itself in the Visual Arts as being Future-Primitif with an emphasis on imagination and originality.
Rhythmism was developed by Prof. Turtel Onli, M.A.A.T., a former clinical Art Therapist.
2. These limited-edition Graphic Novels are a truly collectable diverse form of literature. They combine images and words to blend Visual and Literary Intelligences into a rigorous yet appealing process enhancing higher ordered cognitive skills as a research proven by-product. They offer a chance at insightful escapism and dynamic fantasy or can be about imagination driven contemporary mythology to historical precision.
Great for fans, collectors, curriculum coordinators, educators, librarians and students.
Life can be boring or stressful at times, and therefore escapism is important once in a while.
3. The great thing about the Graphic Novel is the emotional responses and connections between the reader and the Graphic Novel itself as the Graphic Novel dynamically illustrates every emotion, struggle, process and physical changes in the characters, and its content. This provokes deeper thinking, builds rewarding comprehension and critical thinking skills while providing low-budget quality entertainment.
4. The best experimental Visual Artists, hot Writers, original Authors, cool Graphic Designers, and surgical Editors work regularly to produce Rhythmistic Graphic Novels. These hybrids of the Visual / Literary arts are usually a complete story unto itself. They are both a compelling Art Form and a proven Literary Form. Their unique content may be totally fantasy based, Sci-Fi driven, about contemporary mythology, wellness in personal care, sustainably going green, showing positive conflict resolution or providing delightfully needed humor.
5. Rhythmistic Graphic Novels merge the best of all of this reasons and concepts in an adventurous way that goes where the mainstream does not. They manifest true, open, expressive and expansive diversity that often is rendered in its award-winning Future-Primitif style. Thus, being the best alternative to the traditional corporate, often boring and predictable Graphic Novels from the major brands.
In conclusion, the growing line of limited edition Rhythmistic Graphic Novels from ONLI STUDIOS LLC with its experimental factors of "Fun, Fire, & Funk" are prefect for this screen-aged world and its over whelming flow of corporate induced creativity that is more about profitable capital gains then the traits, themes and concepts listed above.
Wednesday, May 11, 2022
Wednesday, May 4, 2022
Curators and collectors will note:
CHICAGO- One of the Future-Primitif notions of Rhythmism is the channeling of concepts, images and visual ideas from one time period to another generation. Prof. Onli insists that this is a byway of imagination. Giving renewal to traditions, Art,, and ,visual statements that often flow from beyond ones actual experiences or studies.
Onli presented this concept with a lecture and exhibition in 2019 in St, Joseph Michigan's amazing creative venue, The Box Factory For The Arts, to positive critical acclaim. This visionary practice is not about 'resistance" or "protest'" but about giving new artistic life as a growing genre that is at one, African, yet Universal with immense growth potential.
Since the 1970s Onli's practice has advocated the reality of actual un-named genres in the Visual Arts born of the Black American experience. Much in the way that collective expressive cultural experience has jettisoned Musical genres.
Onli has manifested this visual notion into several completed collections of Visual Art.