According to Wikipedia, Onli is a rare Artist who has created two visual art genres.

According to Wikipedia, Onli is a rare Artist who has created two visual art genres.
All artwork on this blog is Copyright 2024 Turtel Onli , and other dates. All Rights Protected & not to be remixed, rebooted or used commercially without a signed agreement with Prof. Onli. The smaller images on the right are links to reels or related websites.

Friday, April 8, 2022

 April 8th 2022:

" I find myself happily deepening into the Rhythmic-Zone.  Growing my bodies of Rhythmistic Artworks and plans to approach major galleries and collecting museums with a renewed vigor.  They need to be liberated from the limited imaginations of Warholism and the lack of technique of Basquiatism.  I know folks love singing "Happy Birthday".  But is that really being "creative".  Does that level of vocalization reach the levels of musical excellence and critical innovation?   

 I recently attended the Vernissage of Expo Chicago.  I am struck with how badly they need me.  They need Rhythmism to save them from activists-touristy- curators and the over-achieving hyper influential wealth barons and taste-makers that determine which manifestations of visual pathologies or narrowly defined protest agendas get to be vehicles of investments, or instruments wealth. 

There is a great need for taking a rigorous class in Art Appreciation and Art History.

I have been attending international Art Expos since the Fall of 1977 when I went to the dynamic FIAC at the Grande Palis in Paris.. 

Time for me to be more responsible about all of this!

I will better organize my offerings of the following collections"

1. No Evils

2. Passion Fruit

3. NOG Suite

4. The Rhythmistic Jimi

5. Rhythmistic Aquarelles

Each of these collections are an array of Rhythmistic works generated around a central unifying theme.  Each has been exhibited to positive critical acclaim.  Each is ready and waiting for those major players, investors and collectors to see pass the expanding clutter of poor technique and the hazes of limited visions. 

Oh......back to Expo Chicago.  A lot of lost-leaders and some real high-level quality. Protest and Agenda Representations ruled the day. Statements of the moment over techniques.  No real manner of processing degrees of artistic merit with any rule of evaluation or set criteria.  In a world that seems to not understand 'facts from fiction" or "opinion from actual evidence" the current state of the international over monied art world is its avante-garde.

 If they "like you, you can do no wrong.  When they do not like you, you can do nothing right"! Afterall it is their money and power  to boldly do as they want. For whom they are told is good, worthy. likable or hot!

Me and all that is Rhythmism will be their liberation.  Every major collection needs a major Rhythmistic work of art created by me to add credibility to their bodies of sequestered fine art. Beyond the veil of "opinion' and "politics" or the impowered subjective narratives of "like" versus "dislike". 

There are standards in every filed of human endeavor. 

In love, family, business, worship or even trade." 

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